Saturday, May 7, 2016

Couples Therapy—Three Mistakes Couples Should Avoid During a Conflict

A fight can trigger partners to do and say things they’ll regret later. It’s easy to see from the outside of a conflict that hurting each others through words and action wont help fix the problem. In fact, it only puts more strain on the relationship. Conflict is so much a natural part of any relationship that battles over the thermostat settings and number of blankets on the bed have become cliché and stereotyped.  Most couples disagree in these areas and so many more, simply because they are not identical people.  Obvious, right?  But regardless of the number of differences, or whether they will ever change, it’s what you and your partner do with conflicts as a couple that will determine your satisfaction as a couple.

Friday, May 6, 2016

How a Marriage Counselor Can Turn Infidelity into Opportunity

It’s difficult to find a person whos life has not been impacted by infidelity, whether they know it or not.  Most often, affairs are eventually discovered and become a source of a lot of fighting, sadness and gossip.  Not only does the couple wrestle with the betrayal, but family and friends also struggle to understand what happened and how to move forward.  It’s easy to blame and point a finger at the offender to try and make sense of it all and move on quickly.  Make one person “good” and the other “bad.”  After all, if the offender is “bad,” then they just need to behave better or else a person can feel justified in divorcing.  In reality, the truth is often much deeper and involved.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

An Orange County Psychologist’s Guide to Taming Your Inner Critic

So what does your inner critic sound like?  Angry? Judgmental? Afraid? Does it make you feel doubtful, guilty, or ashamed of yourself? Does it shake your confidence so much you hesitate to pursue your dreams? If yes, then it’s time to learn how to take a stand against your own inner critic and quiet that noise in your head.

It’s natural to notice and compare to others and, realistically, you’re not going to be the same or even as good in some areas.  As an Orange County psychologist, I see many of my clients trying to “Keep up with the Joneses,” and it’s just not possible with the level of success it takes to live here.  Someone is always going to be doing better, but that’s not the problem.  Things start to spiral downward when you start to berate or criticize yourself and this can quickly begin to affect your life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Overcome Your Social Media Insecurity with the Help of a Therapist

With social media, people can now easily share moments of their lives with the rest of the world with just a few clicks. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat can be a way for individuals to stay connected and expand their network of friends. You can let everyone know all about your hidden talents, share your inspirational thoughts, and post pictures of the amazing breakfast you’re eating.

The only problem with this, besides the pictures of breakfast, comes from comparing your self and your life to the millions of others out there. In reality,you are comparing the “highlight reel” of a person’s life on social media to all the average parts of your daily life. Sure they made that amazing backflip on their bike or are enjoying a thrilling time on a dream vacation in Tahiti, but they crashed their bike 40 times before making the trick work and saved 10 years to take the vacation you think you should be able to afford now.