Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Overcome Your Social Media Insecurity with the Help of a Therapist

With social media, people can now easily share moments of their lives with the rest of the world with just a few clicks. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat can be a way for individuals to stay connected and expand their network of friends. You can let everyone know all about your hidden talents, share your inspirational thoughts, and post pictures of the amazing breakfast you’re eating.

The only problem with this, besides the pictures of breakfast, comes from comparing your self and your life to the millions of others out there. In reality,you are comparing the “highlight reel” of a person’s life on social media to all the average parts of your daily life. Sure they made that amazing backflip on their bike or are enjoying a thrilling time on a dream vacation in Tahiti, but they crashed their bike 40 times before making the trick work and saved 10 years to take the vacation you think you should be able to afford now.

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